

Wells Fargo mural honors bravery of Freedom Riders fighting segregation

In 1961, segregation was illegal on interstate public transport, but the law was ignored in the Deep South. A Wells Fargo mural in Birmingham, Alabama, tells the story of the Freedom Riders who put themselves at risk to uphold the law.

Financial Health

3 steps to creating a charitable giving strategy

Harness your philanthropic power by strategically using your time, talent, and money to make a difference.


Advancing neurodiversity in the workforce

Wells Fargo and UConn’s Center for Neurodiversity & Employment Innovation will provide workshops to corporate America on how to design and build a neurodiversity employment initiative.

Small Business

Meaningful investments and support keep small business doors open

Wells Fargo’s Open for Business Fund is helping thousands of small business owners navigate the pandemic and plan for the future.


Why veterans make great leaders

Marine veteran and Wells Fargo's head of Military Recruitment Brian Armstrong shares how military skills easily transfer into corporate America.


‘We should all feel empowered to safely intervene in situations of harassment’

There is no perfect response to harassment, but the 5Ds of bystander intervention offer simple tactics to safely intervene and help others reduce trauma, writes Emily May, president, co-founder, and lead executive officer of Right to Be.


Breeder’s Choice owner Joey Herrick: ‘I wanted to make animals’ lives better through nutrition’

In 1985, a television show you’ve never heard of changed the way we feed our pets. Today, Wells Fargo is helping Joey Herrick revolutionize the pet food industry once again.


‘We’re people who have different abilities, and there’s a lot of talent in this community that is just untapped’

Wells Fargo’s Neurodiversity Program celebrates the range of differences among individuals and provides structure and support to help all employees flourish.